Simon Fraser

Professional Experience
As a qualified engineer Simon has gained extensive professional, commercial and management experience in the Civil Engineering and Information Technology Sectors. Simon joined Hussey Fraser in 2003 and is now applying this experience, as a solicitor to the practise of Law and in particular the practise of Law in the Construction Industry in Ireland.
Simon acts on behalf of medium and large construction companies, on both contentious and non-contentious matters. He has also been involved in large scale litigation in the High Court and Supreme Court as well as acting in arbitrations, conciliations and mediations.
Simon has published papers regarding the Public Works Contracts and other topics relevant to the construction industry and has lectured in construction law on postgraduate courses in the University of Dublin, Trinity College as well as delivering presentations to client firms on an individual basis.
- Enrolled as Solicitor (2007)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) (2001)
- Management of Managers Programme, University of Michigan Business School, USA (2000)
- Consultancy Skills Programme, University of Bradford Business School, UK (1997)
- Master of Science (MSc), Trinity College, Dublin (1987)
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering (B.A, B.A.I), Trinity College, Dublin (1984)
Practice Areas
- Arbitration
- Construction Law
- Commercial Law
- Company Law
- Commercial Planning & Development Law
- EU Procurement Law
- Conciliation/Mediation/Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Incorporated Law Society of Ireland (2007)
- Member of Engineers Ireland (2004)